lunes, 10 de agosto de 2015

People's vices

Junk Food 

Always, the people have serious problems of the vices in the cities, one of them is a JUNK FOOD. The junk food causes various problems in the human's body, because the junk food contain high level of carbohydrates, fats and salt. This elements affect directly at the oral cavity, due to the teeth attack for the microorganism that produced this elements.
The gum is also affected for the junk food, because, the gum lost the support with the teeth and produced gingival and with the time periodontal disease.
The unique form for repair the damage produced in the oral cavity is a good hygiene and visit the dentist at least 3 times in a year.

I recommend for prevent this disease that the people should be washed the teeth at least 2 times a day, and eat few food that containing high levels of carbohydrates and sugar.

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