viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Hamburger story

I'm writing a story about a movie that I saw this week on TV, the story begins in a town on island, very far to other places, this town was known for selling sardines, but in a moment, the city lost its charm, because people from other cities not consumed more sardines. In other places of the town, he was a very intelligent child, this boy created much invents, because he want to be a good scientist, but the problem was that their invention always have something wrong, the fist invention that he created, it was a spray shoes when he was in the school, The problem with these shoes is that cannot be removed. The child never lost the hope, besides; his mother had all the faith that one day he would do something big.

Many years passed and his inventions still are wrong, but one day he thought create a machine that could make food with only water, however, the machine fly to the sky and was mixed with water the clouds. That day began to rain hamburgers everywhere, and all people the town was happy for this moment. All days were different types of food to enjoy. 

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